Past Emails

The Joy of Generosity

The Joy of Generosity

August 30, 20244 min read

Daily Devotional: The Joy of Generosity

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 (ERV)

"Remember this: The one who plants few seeds will have a small harvest. But the one who plants a lot will have a big harvest. Each one of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give. You should not give if it makes you unhappy or if you feel forced to give."


The Entrepreneur's Lesson

Mike had always dreamed of starting his own business. After years of hard work and saving, he opened a small café in his hometown. He poured his heart and soul into making it a success, working long hours and focusing on every detail. However, despite his efforts, business was slow, and he worried constantly about finances.

One day, a regular customer, a young woman named Lisa, shared that she had lost her job and was struggling to feed her family. She asked Mike if he knew of any job openings. Mike felt compassion but quickly thought of his tight budget and decided he couldn’t afford to hire anyone new.

That Sunday, Mike attended church as usual. The pastor spoke about 2 Corinthians 9:6-15, emphasizing the joy and blessings of generous giving. "Remember this: The one who plants few seeds will have a small harvest. But the one who plants a lot will have a big harvest. Each one of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give. You should not give if it makes you unhappy or if you feel forced to give."

The words struck a chord with Mike. He realized his reluctance to help Lisa was rooted in fear and a scarcity mindset. He had been planting few seeds, and consequently, his harvest was small. Mike decided it was time to trust God with his business and give generously from his heart.

The next day, Mike offered Lisa a part-time job at the café. He felt a sense of peace and fulfillment in helping her, and soon he noticed a change. Lisa’s presence brought new energy to the café. She shared her story with customers, who were moved by her resilience and Mike’s generosity. Word spread and more people started visiting the café to support them. Business picked up, and Mike found new opportunities to give and bless others.

Embracing the Struggle

2 Corinthians 9:6-15 teaches us the importance of giving generously and joyfully. When we give from our hearts, we plant seeds that result in a bountiful harvest. God loves a cheerful giver and promises to bless those who give willingly. Generosity is not just about money; it’s about the condition of our hearts and our willingness to trust God with all we have.

Inner, Outer, and Above

  1. Inner (Mental and Emotional Fitness): Generosity begins within. Reflect on your attitudes towards giving. Are you holding back out of fear or a scarcity mindset? Ask God to transform your heart, filling it with generosity. Practice gratitude and trust in God’s provision, knowing He is faithful to supply all your needs.

  2. Outer (Physical Fitness): Our physical well-being can reflect the generosity of spirit we cultivate within. Just as giving generously of our resources brings blessings, investing in our physical health brings a bountiful harvest of energy, strength, and well-being. Commit to regular exercise and healthy eating habits, knowing that caring for your body honors God. Let your dedication to physical fitness be an example of good stewardship of the body God has given you.

  3. Above (Devotion to God): Devotion to God is the foundation of true generosity. Spend time in worship, study scripture, and seek fellowship with other believers. Let your relationship with God guide your giving. Remember that our generosity reflects God’s abundant love and grace.

Faith and Fitness

Generosity is a vital aspect of our faith journey. It challenges us to step out of our comfort zones and trust God with our resources. Approach your health and fitness with the same spirit of generosity. Give your best in taking care of your body, mind, and spirit. Share your journey with others, encouraging and supporting them in their walk with God. Remember, the seeds you plant today will yield a harvest of blessings tomorrow.


Lord, we thank You for the privilege of giving. Help us to give generously and joyfully, trusting in Your provision. Transform our hearts to reflect Your love and grace. Guide us in our thoughts, actions, and devotion to You. May our lives be a testament to Your goodness and faithfulness. Amen.

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Matthew Headden

Helping believers take control of their health and fitness

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The Joy of Generosity

The Joy of Generosity

August 30, 20244 min read

Daily Devotional: The Joy of Generosity

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 (ERV)

"Remember this: The one who plants few seeds will have a small harvest. But the one who plants a lot will have a big harvest. Each one of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give. You should not give if it makes you unhappy or if you feel forced to give."


The Entrepreneur's Lesson

Mike had always dreamed of starting his own business. After years of hard work and saving, he opened a small café in his hometown. He poured his heart and soul into making it a success, working long hours and focusing on every detail. However, despite his efforts, business was slow, and he worried constantly about finances.

One day, a regular customer, a young woman named Lisa, shared that she had lost her job and was struggling to feed her family. She asked Mike if he knew of any job openings. Mike felt compassion but quickly thought of his tight budget and decided he couldn’t afford to hire anyone new.

That Sunday, Mike attended church as usual. The pastor spoke about 2 Corinthians 9:6-15, emphasizing the joy and blessings of generous giving. "Remember this: The one who plants few seeds will have a small harvest. But the one who plants a lot will have a big harvest. Each one of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give. You should not give if it makes you unhappy or if you feel forced to give."

The words struck a chord with Mike. He realized his reluctance to help Lisa was rooted in fear and a scarcity mindset. He had been planting few seeds, and consequently, his harvest was small. Mike decided it was time to trust God with his business and give generously from his heart.

The next day, Mike offered Lisa a part-time job at the café. He felt a sense of peace and fulfillment in helping her, and soon he noticed a change. Lisa’s presence brought new energy to the café. She shared her story with customers, who were moved by her resilience and Mike’s generosity. Word spread and more people started visiting the café to support them. Business picked up, and Mike found new opportunities to give and bless others.

Embracing the Struggle

2 Corinthians 9:6-15 teaches us the importance of giving generously and joyfully. When we give from our hearts, we plant seeds that result in a bountiful harvest. God loves a cheerful giver and promises to bless those who give willingly. Generosity is not just about money; it’s about the condition of our hearts and our willingness to trust God with all we have.

Inner, Outer, and Above

  1. Inner (Mental and Emotional Fitness): Generosity begins within. Reflect on your attitudes towards giving. Are you holding back out of fear or a scarcity mindset? Ask God to transform your heart, filling it with generosity. Practice gratitude and trust in God’s provision, knowing He is faithful to supply all your needs.

  2. Outer (Physical Fitness): Our physical well-being can reflect the generosity of spirit we cultivate within. Just as giving generously of our resources brings blessings, investing in our physical health brings a bountiful harvest of energy, strength, and well-being. Commit to regular exercise and healthy eating habits, knowing that caring for your body honors God. Let your dedication to physical fitness be an example of good stewardship of the body God has given you.

  3. Above (Devotion to God): Devotion to God is the foundation of true generosity. Spend time in worship, study scripture, and seek fellowship with other believers. Let your relationship with God guide your giving. Remember that our generosity reflects God’s abundant love and grace.

Faith and Fitness

Generosity is a vital aspect of our faith journey. It challenges us to step out of our comfort zones and trust God with our resources. Approach your health and fitness with the same spirit of generosity. Give your best in taking care of your body, mind, and spirit. Share your journey with others, encouraging and supporting them in their walk with God. Remember, the seeds you plant today will yield a harvest of blessings tomorrow.


Lord, we thank You for the privilege of giving. Help us to give generously and joyfully, trusting in Your provision. Transform our hearts to reflect Your love and grace. Guide us in our thoughts, actions, and devotion to You. May our lives be a testament to Your goodness and faithfulness. Amen.

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Matthew Headden

Helping believers take control of their health and fitness

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