Past Emails

Bearing Fruit

Bearing Fruit

August 12, 20243 min read


Scripture: Galatians 5:22-23 (NIV)
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law."

Bearing Fruit: Jane's Journey to Reflect Christ

Jane had struggled with her weight for as long as she could remember. She tried every diet and exercise program she could find, but nothing seemed to stick. She often felt frustrated and discouraged, turning to food for comfort, which worsened the problem. Her self-esteem plummeted, and she began to avoid social situations out of shame and embarrassment.

One evening, feeling particularly low, Jane picked up her Bible. She opened it to Galatians 5:22-23, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things, there is no law." As she read, Jane felt a glimmer of hope. She realized that her struggle with weight wasn't just about physical appearance or health; it was about the fruits of the Spirit she needed in her life, especially self-control and peace.

Determined to make a change, Jane began to pray daily, asking the Holy Spirit to fill her and produce these fruits in her life. She sought to embody love and joy, not only towards others but also towards herself. She practiced peace and forbearance when she felt the urge to overeat, showing kindness and gentleness to herself in moments of weakness. She committed to faithfulness in her journey, exercising self-control in her eating habits and finding a balanced approach to her health.

Embracing the Struggle

The fruits of the Spirit are qualities that reflect Christ's character. They are individual virtues and a collective portrait of a life transformed by the Holy Spirit. Embracing these fruits requires intentionality and a willingness to let the Holy Spirit work in and through us. Here’s how we can cultivate these fruits from an Inner, Outer, and Above perspective.

Inner, Outer, and Above

  1. Inner (Mental and Emotional Fitness): Cultivating the fruits of the Spirit begins within. Reflect on your thoughts and emotions. Are they aligned with the qualities listed in Galatians 5:22-23? Spend prayer and meditation, asking the Holy Spirit to transform your heart and mind. Practice gratitude and positive thinking, focusing on the blessings in your life and how you can show love, joy, and peace to others and yourself.

  2. Outer (Physical Fitness): Our actions should reflect the fruits of the Spirit. Show kindness and goodness through your interactions with others and yourself. Exercise patience and self-control in your daily routines, whether through maintaining a healthy lifestyle, managing stress, or making time for physical activities that benefit your body and mind. Let your outward behavior be a testament to the inner transformation the Holy Spirit is working in you.

  3. Above (Devotion to God): Devotion to God is the foundation of producing the fruits of the Spirit. Spend time in worship, study scripture, and seek fellowship with other believers. Let your relationship with God be the source of your strength and guidance. As you grow closer to Him, the Holy Spirit will naturally produce these fruits, enabling you to live out your faith authentically and powerfully.

Faith and Fitness

Living by the fruits of the Spirit enhances every aspect of our lives. Our faith teaches us that true transformation comes from within, influenced by the Holy Spirit. Approach your health and fitness with the mindset that you are better prepared to reflect the fruits of the Spirit by taking care of your body, mind, and spirit. Remember that exercise and proper nutrition are acts of worship that honor God and enable you to serve others with love, joy, and peace. Self-control in your health habits can also lead to greater self-control in other areas.


Holy Spirit, we invite You to work in our lives, producing the fruits of the Spirit within us. Help us to embody love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control in all that we do. Transform our hearts and minds so that we may reflect Your character to the world. Guide us in our thoughts, actions, and devotion to You. Amen.

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Matthew Headden

Helping believers take control of their health and fitness

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Bearing Fruit

Bearing Fruit

August 12, 20243 min read


Scripture: Galatians 5:22-23 (NIV)
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law."

Bearing Fruit: Jane's Journey to Reflect Christ

Jane had struggled with her weight for as long as she could remember. She tried every diet and exercise program she could find, but nothing seemed to stick. She often felt frustrated and discouraged, turning to food for comfort, which worsened the problem. Her self-esteem plummeted, and she began to avoid social situations out of shame and embarrassment.

One evening, feeling particularly low, Jane picked up her Bible. She opened it to Galatians 5:22-23, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things, there is no law." As she read, Jane felt a glimmer of hope. She realized that her struggle with weight wasn't just about physical appearance or health; it was about the fruits of the Spirit she needed in her life, especially self-control and peace.

Determined to make a change, Jane began to pray daily, asking the Holy Spirit to fill her and produce these fruits in her life. She sought to embody love and joy, not only towards others but also towards herself. She practiced peace and forbearance when she felt the urge to overeat, showing kindness and gentleness to herself in moments of weakness. She committed to faithfulness in her journey, exercising self-control in her eating habits and finding a balanced approach to her health.

Embracing the Struggle

The fruits of the Spirit are qualities that reflect Christ's character. They are individual virtues and a collective portrait of a life transformed by the Holy Spirit. Embracing these fruits requires intentionality and a willingness to let the Holy Spirit work in and through us. Here’s how we can cultivate these fruits from an Inner, Outer, and Above perspective.

Inner, Outer, and Above

  1. Inner (Mental and Emotional Fitness): Cultivating the fruits of the Spirit begins within. Reflect on your thoughts and emotions. Are they aligned with the qualities listed in Galatians 5:22-23? Spend prayer and meditation, asking the Holy Spirit to transform your heart and mind. Practice gratitude and positive thinking, focusing on the blessings in your life and how you can show love, joy, and peace to others and yourself.

  2. Outer (Physical Fitness): Our actions should reflect the fruits of the Spirit. Show kindness and goodness through your interactions with others and yourself. Exercise patience and self-control in your daily routines, whether through maintaining a healthy lifestyle, managing stress, or making time for physical activities that benefit your body and mind. Let your outward behavior be a testament to the inner transformation the Holy Spirit is working in you.

  3. Above (Devotion to God): Devotion to God is the foundation of producing the fruits of the Spirit. Spend time in worship, study scripture, and seek fellowship with other believers. Let your relationship with God be the source of your strength and guidance. As you grow closer to Him, the Holy Spirit will naturally produce these fruits, enabling you to live out your faith authentically and powerfully.

Faith and Fitness

Living by the fruits of the Spirit enhances every aspect of our lives. Our faith teaches us that true transformation comes from within, influenced by the Holy Spirit. Approach your health and fitness with the mindset that you are better prepared to reflect the fruits of the Spirit by taking care of your body, mind, and spirit. Remember that exercise and proper nutrition are acts of worship that honor God and enable you to serve others with love, joy, and peace. Self-control in your health habits can also lead to greater self-control in other areas.


Holy Spirit, we invite You to work in our lives, producing the fruits of the Spirit within us. Help us to embody love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control in all that we do. Transform our hearts and minds so that we may reflect Your character to the world. Guide us in our thoughts, actions, and devotion to You. Amen.

blog author image

Matthew Headden

Helping believers take control of their health and fitness

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